Something I have never done
And would like to do
To be a songster of joy
Dancing to lyrics never blue
To be Hoagy Carmichael for a day
To sing his song that goes this way
Ole buttermilk sky, I’m keeping my
Eye peeled on you
Ole buttermilk sky, can’t you see
My little donkey and me, we are
Happy as a Christmas tree headed
For the one I love
To be Louie, Billie, or Willie
All who sang this ditty
Grab your coat and get your hat
Leave your worries on the doorstep
Life can be so sweet
On the sunny side of the street
Can't you hear the pitter-pat
And that happy tune is your step
Life can be complete
On the sunny side of the street
To be crooner Eckstein
To make his lyrics and phrasing mine
Everything I have is yours; you're part of me
Everything I have is yours, my destiny
I would gladly give the sun to you
If the sun were only mine
I would gladly give the earth to you
And the stars that shine
Everything that I possess, I offer you
That my dream of happiness come true
I'd be happy just to spend my life
Waiting at your beck and call
Everything I have is yours
My life, my all
I’d just like to be able to sing in tune
Jointly with dancing, making ladies swoon